The Genealogy Box - Genealogy Network

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The Genealogy Box - Genealogy Network

"I don't know who my grandfather was, I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be."
--Abraham Lincoln
  Genealogy Network

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About The Genealogy Box

Here you can find information about The Genealogy Box - Genealogy Network. The Genealogy Box - Genealogy Network strives to adhere to the National Genealogical Society guidelines for publishing web pages on the internet and maintain the National Genealogical Standards in sharing genealogical information.

Guidelines for Publishing Web Pages on the Internet Recommended by the National Genealogical Society

Appreciating that publishing information through Internet websites and web pages shares many similarities with print publishing, considerate family historians.”

* apply a title identifying both the entire website and the particular group of related pages, similar to a book-and-chapter designation, placing it both at the top of each web browser window using the

* explain the purposes and objectives of their websites, placing the explanation near the top of the title page or including a link from that page to a special page about the reason for the site.

* display a footer at the bottom of each web page which contains the website title, page title, author's name, author's contact information, date of last revision and a copyright statement.

* provide complete contact information, including at a minimum a name and e-mail address, and preferably some means for long-term contact, like a postal address.

* assist visitors by providing on each page navigational links that lead visitors to other important pages on the website, or return them to the home page.

* adhere to the NGS "Standards for Sharing Information with Others" regarding copyright, attribution, privacy, and the sharing of sensitive information.

* include unambiguous source citations for the research data provided on the site, and if not complete descriptions, offering full citations upon request.

* label photographic and scanned images within the graphic itself, with fuller explanation if required in text adjacent to the graphic.

* identify transcribed, extracted or abstracted data as such, and provide appropriate source citations.

* include identifying dates and locations when providing information about specific surnames or individuals.

* respect the rights of others who do not wish information about themselves to be published, referenced or linked on a website.

* provide website access to all potential visitors by avoiding enhanced technical capabilities that may not be available to all users, remembering that not all computers are created equal.

* avoid using features that distract from the productive use of the website, like ones that reduce legibility, strain the eyes, dazzle the vision, or otherwise detract from the visitor's ability to easily read, study, comprehend or print the online publication.

* maintain their online publications at frequent intervals, changing the content to keep the information current, the links valid, and the website in good working order.

* preserve and archive for future researchers their online publications and communications that have lasting value, using both electronic and paper duplication.

© 2000, 2001 by National Genealogical Society. Permission is granted to copy or publish this material provided it is reproduced in its entirety, including this notice.

Standards for Sharing Information With Others Recommended by the National Genealogical Society

Conscious of the fact that sharing information or data with others, whether through speech, documents or electronic media, is essential to family history research and that it needs continuing support and encouragement, responsible family historians consistently—

* respect the restrictions on sharing information that arise from the rights of another as an author, originator or compiler; as a living private person; or as a party to a mutual agreement.

* observe meticulously the legal rights of copyright owners, copying or distributing any part of their works only with their permission, or to the limited extent specifically allowed under the law's "fair use" exceptions.

* identify the sources for all ideas, information and data from others, and the form in which they were received, recognizing that the unattributed use of another's intellectual work is plagiarism.

* respect the authorship rights of senders of letters, electronic mail and data files, forwarding or disseminating them further only with the sender's permission.

* inform people who provide information about their families as to the ways it may be used, observing any conditions they impose and respecting any reservations they may express regarding the use of particular items.

* require some evidence of consent before assuming that living people are agreeable to further sharing of information about themselves.

* convey personal identifying information about living people—like age, home address, occupation or activities—only in ways that those concerned have expressly agreed to.

* recognize that legal rights of privacy may limit the extent to which information from publicly available sources may be further used, disseminated or published.

* communicate no information to others that is known to be false, or without making reasonable efforts to determine its truth, particularly information that may be derogatory.

* are sensitive to the hurt that revelations of criminal, immoral, bizarre or irresponsible behavior may bring to family members.

© 2000 by National Genealogical Society. Permission is granted to copy or publish this material provided it is reproduced in its entirety, including this notice.

Genealogy Groups

Genealogy Research Club
Genealogy Club 1
Surname Forum
Ancestor Hunters
A Genealogy Experience
Genealogy Network
GenHaven Family Genealogy
Olive Tree Genealogy
Lost Ancestors
Lost Ancestors / Social Aspects
Genealogy and Family History
Searching for our Ancestor's Journal
Internet Genealogy Groups
UK Genealogical Researchers
Tribal Heritage
Sephardic Forum
Scots Origins
Preserving Our Heritage
Ontario Genealogy
Native American Genealogy
LDS Genealogy
Italy NW
Historian Channel
Genealogy Computers Chat
California Genealogy
Australian Genealogical Researchers
Genealogists in Second Life
Genealogy Nuts
Genealogy Wise
Red Nation Gathering
Genealogy Network
Looking 4 Kin


Cyndi's List

Facebook Genealogy Groups

Hispanic Genealogical Society.... Facebook chapter
Russian nobility | Noblesse russe | Русское дворянство
Genealogy People On Facebook
Quebec Family History Society Facebook Page Puget Sound Genealogical Society Bulletin Board
Genealogy Names - Are We related?
Cemetery Explorers
Genealogy Blogs
Decendants of Commoners
Family Home and Genealogy on
Canada's History Magazine - Formerly known as The Beaver
Facebook Genealogists
You Might Be Addicted To Genealogy if...
International Genealogy
Southern Italian Genealogy Network
Authoring101 - Bluewater Publications
The 150th Anniversary of the Civil War!
Surnames - Meaning, History & Origin of
UK Surname Groups on Facebook
British Isles Genealogy
We Are WebRing
Family Tree Builder Genealogy Program
Military History - Genealogy Ireland milgenire
Scottish / Alba Genealogy
Genealogy Addicts United
Republic of Ireland Genealogy
Northern Ireland Genealogy
We first met on Find a Grave
Family History Family Trees
Genealogy Among Friends
TNGenWeb -- the BEST place for on-line Tennessee genealogy & history
Lancaster Family Genealogy
US GenWeb Project
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness (RAOGK)
The Channel Islands / Îles d'la Manche - Genealogy
The Global Geneological Tree!
Genealogy Links for Research
Genealogy Addicts
International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG)
Genealogists do Facebook
German Genealogy
We're Related Family Genealogy Social Network


Join a group of genealogy writers and share your family traditions, folklore, and stories.

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50 Popular Genealogy Sites $ - is the leading genealogical data site, with some articles, instruction, and reference help.
2. - Rootsweb is a major data site, with free instruction and reference help.
3. - MyHeritage focuses on genealogy community building and networking.
4. $ - This is major data site, with instruction and reference help.
5. - This is a major data website sponsored by the LDS Church and includes with instruction and reference help.
6. - Hosts family websites for sharing photos, genealogy, and more.
7. > - A database of cemetery inscriptions and photos.
8. $ - In conjunction with the U.S. National Archives, Footnote offers data, original records images, and more.
9. $ - This is primarily a family trees sharing and collaboration website.
10. $ - WVR is also known as Family Link, and represents a major data website, with instruction and reference help.
11. - Genealogy Today includes instruction, reference articles, and includes some unique data collections.
12. - A site consisting of collected genealogy links.
13. - A website that includes references to helpful articles, especially for Native American information, and some data.
14. - Database of passenger lists that is free to search. Actual passenger list images can be purchased.
15. - A huge website dedicated to cataloguing genealogy website links.
16. - Transcribed and indexed cemetery inscriptions.
17. - Historical and genealogical web hosting service.
18. > - Web 2.0 and focuses on genealogy community building and networking.
19. $ - Grassroots created data site with compiled family Trees, and some extracted records.
20. > - Homepage for genealogical software.
21. - Interactive directory of free genealogy websites and data.
22. - An online archive of genealogy records and images of historical documents.
23. - A large free queries website.
24. - A DNA ancestry cataloguing project
25. - Family trees hosting and charting program.
26. - A collection of surname website links online since 1996.
27. - DNA testing service focused upon family history test types.
28. $ - Jewish, reference, instruction, coordination, and databases.
29. - Obituary database for finding obituaries and performing cemetery searches.
30. - Upload and share your family trees.
31. - Lists of links to United States death records, by state.
32. - Large collection of genealogical information pages for England, Irelnd, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man.
33. - Website focused upon Italian research, with instruction, information and more.
34. - Comprehensive source of U.S. political biography that tells where many dead politicians are buried.
35. > - A collection of genealogy links categorized by region and surname.
36. - A collection of family trees, community, and submitted records.
37. - Census abstracts (U.S. GenWeb Census Project)
38. - Share genealogy research, community pages, family photos & records more for free.
39. $ - Census, PERSI (the periodical index), books.
40. - Links to free census records.
41. $ - Database with index of newspapers and early books.
42. - Online marriage records, where to order, some indexes, and more.
43. - Links to free sites, arranged by state and county.
44. - European nobility and German reference material.
45. - Website created by professional genealogists with links, instruction, data, and reference aids.
46. - Links to censuses and census abstracts.
47. - Website for magazine publisher that includes shopping, links, and research tools.
48. - Links to genealogy and data websites.
49. - A group of volunteers working together to provide free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States.
50. $ - Indexes to British records of many types.

Search Engines

Search engines have really transformed the internet into a fabulous research tool. Google has created a search engine to assist you in finding genealogy information. There is also the RootsWeb Ancestry search engines as well as IxQuick, Yahoo, Free Find, Pico Search, and downloadable more personalized search engines are available, too, like Zoom.

Library search engines vary as to what type of search is offered to its patrons via the internet or via the library's own computerized databases. You should read up a little on how search engines operate. There are boolean searches, exclusive searching and inclusive search options. I would conduct a search for search engines in Europe, Australia, and other countries in order to broaden your searching options. You may search for all words in "quotes". There is the AND OR option where you may find the occurences of two words or each individual word. Search engine technology is truely facinating and evolving. Many people fail to utilize the variety of search engines via the internet. There are more search engines than just Google, Yahoo and Ixquick! You should try finding different search engines for the different countries of your ancestry. It's an option you shouldn't pass up.



Here is where you will find all of The Genealogy Box Tools! There is a Forum, a Resource Center, an area to email a Question, a surname blog, and several genealogy related groups to peruse, subscribe or join.

Submit Your Surnames


Genealogy Network

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Genealogy Network

Genealogy Network and The Genealogy Box can be found on several sites on the internet. The closure of MSN Groups spawned this adventure. You can read The Genealogy Box blog on Word Press, Live Journal,Vox, Blogger or Multiply.

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Genealogy Network Blog and Surname Research

There are two blogs that are associated with The Genealogy Box - Genealogy Network. Both are hosted by Blogger. One is for posting your surnames, which will be searchable by Google. This enables you to see if your surname or searchable term is available from within the linked groups. You can find posting information on the Multiply Genealogy Network or on the Genealogy Network Blog. The Surname Research Blog and Genealogy Network Blog are both experimental and will be changed soon so please bear with the construction and format changes.

Free Genealogy Websites

There are a number of places on the internet where you can upload your GEDCOM files to share your family tree research. Of course, Ancestry, My Family, and its RootsWeb World Connect are three of the most popular on the net. There are others! This site is hosted by several free internet webspace providers. One of those is They have much to offer including FTP access. The Genealogy Box on offers forums, easy HTML website creation and Joomla sites. You can even host your own Word Press blog on Geocities, Angelfire, and Tripod are a few of the other sites that offer cgi for mail forms, but they do not offer free FTP access. Fortune City and Top Cites offer free FTP as well as has recently offered FREE Webspace and blog, too. If you have a FortuneCity or Angelfire website, you may have your site transferred for free to WebRing is offering free webspace and blogs. CWahi.Net is another free web hosting provider as is WebNG. WebNG offers applications like Joomla, WordPress and PhpBB forums, while CWahi.Net offers a database and domain email. You may gain more webspace on WebNG through referrals. Freewebsites offers FTP access, and a choice of domain, but they do not offer an online HTML editor, php or cgi.

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Genealogy Blogs

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American Folklore Links - Your American family stories

  • Folklife and Fieldwork: A Layman's Introduction to Field Techniques, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

  • Encyclopedia Mythica: Folktales

  • Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage

  • Family Folklore - Interviewing Guide and Questionaire - The Genealogy Forum

  • How to Start an Oral History Porject in Your Town -

  • Folklore, Legends & Family Stories - Ancestry Message Board

  • FOLKLORE L - RootsWeb Mailing List, medicine and recipes.

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